Thursday, July 11, 2013

Make God Vital (7/10/13)

Greetings Everyone,
All honor and glory be to God! I hope yall had a wonderful day today, and an even better evening. I have been busy since I arrived home, trying to research information that will help me expedite my application for 501(c)(3) status. See, although I am legally incorporated, I have not received a tax exemption status as of yet. I have the slightest idea how to fill out the applications for neither state nor federal tax exemption. Furthermore, I have no clue how to establish a budget for a 3-year strategic plan, as I'm not generating funds yet. *Sighs* How I wish I could do this full-time so that I had enough time in the day to build this organization the way I want to. I want to take a moment right now to invite you and someone you know, to join my non-profit organization's team of volunteers; all interested individuals should forward me your name, mailing address, brief BIO (to be featured on the website), preferred contact information, photo (to be featured the website), and specify your interest as a volunteer or member (all current andcandidate members must submit a condensed resume to capitalize relevant/useful skills and/or experience), ASAP. As you know, we have an event nearing... my non-profit organization will be participating in the Brain Tumor Society’s 2nd annual 5k walk/run. FMBS Inc. will be walking/running in honor of my dear friend, Jennifer Robinson, a brain tumor survivor. I would love for you to participate in the walk with us. Contact me with regard to your interest in this event, or simply “register” to “join a team” under my name (Tylesha Allen) or my company’s name (FMBS Inc.) for Team Jenn. If you would rather submit a monetary donation, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Ether way, just copy and paste one of these two URL addresses: or into your Internet browser to read Jennifer’s story, to join Team Jenn, or to make a pledge that will help us reach our fund-raising goal, also listed on our team page. I thank you in advance for spreading the word about this event; please SHARE these links with others, because so many people have suffered death as a result of brain tumors and brain cancers, and many others are also affected. Our efforts will bring researchers that much closer to a cure, and will help to better educate society. As we continue to work together to spread God’s Gospel, let us also encourage one another to take steps that lead to a healthy overall mind, body, and soul; TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.). Have you fed your spirit today? CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN, soSTART YOUR TRANSFORMATION TODAY, because tomorrow is NOT promised. Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcomeDo NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. God Bless!

Lord please clear our minds, and open our eyes and ears so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***
For Wisdom and Guidance:
"In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my path" derived from Proverbs 3:6 (Capps, 1976, p. 155). Reference: Capps, C. (1976). The Tongue - A Creative Force. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Harrison House.
Proverbs 3:6 says, "Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." "To receive God's guidance... we must acknowledge God in all our ways. This means turning every area of life over to him... Look at your values and priorities. What is important to you? In what ways have you not acknowledged Him?... In many areas of your life you may already acknowledge God, but it is in the areas where you attempt to restrict or ignore His influence that will cause you grief. Make Him a vital part of everything you do; then He will guide you because you will be working to accomplish His purposes" (The Life Application Study Bible New International Version. (1991). Proverbs Chapter 3 - Footnotes (p. 1076). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.). "Actions speak louder than words." Just because we have heard the Word, doesn’t mean we have listened. Just because we have listened to the Word, doesn’t mean we have followed it. We are reminded of our responsibility as Christians, to place God at the TOP of our priority list;we must STUDY the Word of God, APPLY the things that we learn from God’s Word to our daily lives, and then SPREAD His Gospel. Our adaptation of life should reflect our Christian sense and values; everything we think, do, and say, should be a direct reflection of who we claim to be. If you say you are a Christian, then you should abide by the Word of God; God’s Word is the foundation for which we should develop the necessary tools to repair our polluted lives. Take a stand today and turn away from the values of this world (money, power, and pleasure), and take refuge in our Lord... When you learn a new skill at work, you put it into action, right? Take that same approach as you delve into the Word of God. As I stated in yesterday's lesson, God does NOT owe us anything, rather, we owe Him our lives. Place God at the top of your priority list. Repetition is the key to memorizing, and practice is pivotal to getting it right.

***Excerpts taken from previous lessons: Top Priority (7/9/13; Be a Doer (6/4/13)*** 

Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We ask for forgiveness of everything that we have thought, said, or did, that was not pleasing in your sight. Help us to release all negativity stored within. Give us the strength we need to forgive those who have wronged us, the same way you continuously grant forgiveness to us. Also, place upon those we may have wronged the same desire, so that we too may be forgiven. More importantly Father, whatever guilt we've placed on self, allow us to release so that we may forgive ourselves. Bless us with a double portion of your Spirit Father. Close any and every unnecessary door that is open in our lives, and open supernatural doors to peace, prosperity, clarity, contentment, happiness, and favor. Provide each of us with clear and concise revelations that we need in order to overcome the adversary. Help us to see, hear, and feel your presence through every trial and tribulation. Help us to reevaluate our lifestyles turning away from our old selves, and rearranging our priorities, placing you at the top of our list. Provide discernment to know the difference between good and bad, right from wrong, and your will vs. our own desires. We thank you for the triumph over sin and death. We thank you for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our loved ones and associates. We take back everything the devil has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. Lord we also grant your angels permission to do our bidding on Earth, that we may be transformed into an image that mirrors Christ Jesus. All these things we confess and claim victory without recourse. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our petition to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
Ministry Blog:
Non-profit Website:
Your independent Herbalife distributor/health coach:
Change begins within; work on becoming a better You

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top Priority (7/9/13)

Greetings Everyone,
All honor and glory be to God! Hey yall, I hope your day has been well so far. Don't forget that my non-profit organization will be participating in the Brain Tumor Society’s 2nd annual 5k walk/run. FMBS Inc. will be walking/running in honor of my dear friend, Jennifer Robinson, a brain tumor survivor. I would love for you to participate in the walk with us. Contact me with regard to your interest in this event, or simply “register” to “join a team” under my name (Tylesha Allen) or my company’s name (FMBS Inc.) for Team Jenn. If you would rather submit a monetary donation, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Ether way, just copy and paste one of these two URL addresses: or into your Internet browser to read Jennifer’s story, to join Team Jenn, or to make a pledge that will help us reach our fund-raising goal, also listed on our team page. I thank you in advance for spreading the word about this event; please SHARE these links with others, because so many people have suffered death as a result of brain tumors and brain cancers, and many others are also affected. Our efforts will bring researchers that much closer to a cure, and will help to better educate society. As we continue to work together to spread God’s Gospel, let us also encourage one another to take steps that lead to a healthy overall mind, body, and soul; TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.). Have you fed your spirit today? CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN, so START YOUR TRANSFORMATION TODAY, because tomorrow is NOT promised. Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcomeDo NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. God Bless!

Lord please clear our minds, and open our eyes and ears so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***
For Wisdom and Guidance:
"I trust in the Lord with all of my heart, and I lean not unto my own understanding" derived from Proverbs 3:5 (Capps, 1976, p. 155). Reference: Capps, C. (1976). The Tongue - A Creative Force. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Harrison House.
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." First, let me say this... when you seek counsel and solace in man/woman, you will NEVER find the true comfort you desire, because a constant void exists when God is not in the midst. NO male or female companion, parent, or counsel, will be able to explain with great clarity your purpose here on EarthIt is up to YOU to seek out the answers through the Word with a willing, able, and ready heart. "Leaning has the sense of putting your whole weight on something, resting on and trusting in that person or thing. When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can't trust anyone - not even God. But God knows what is best for us...We must trust him completely in every choice we makeWe should not omit careful thinking or belittle our God-given ability to reason; but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others... We should always be willing to listen to and be corrected by God's Word... Bring your decisions to God in prayer; use the Bible as your guide; and then follow God's leading. He will make your paths straight by both guiding and protecting you" (The Life Application Study Bible New International Version. (1991). Proverbs Chapter 3 - Footnotes (p. 1076). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.). The key element in our Christian walk is FAITH. The reason we are taught to "walk by faith and not by sight," is because there is more value placed on our spiritual practices, when we place our trust wholeheartedly in God. Was it not an act of faith vs. sight when Jesus accepted His crucifixion milleniums ago to save mankind? We were neither conceived nor alive when this ultimate act of love transpired. Yet, Jesus died to save us, with faith in our Father's promise. Look, I CANNOT suggest that any religious denomination is better than the next. I WILL NOT suggest that my spiritual beliefs outweigh any others. But what I will say is, denominations and personal biases are what separates the Church; ALL believers in God make-up the Church. I CHOOSE to believe and accept the Word of God, the Holy Trinity, and salvation based on MY blind faith. YOU have to make a decision about what YOU will or will not place your trust in. However, I remain firm on my favorite scripture "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man" (Psalm 118:8). I can guarantee that NO one can honestly challenge that passage. Why? Because aside from Jesus' stint in the flesh, there has NEVER been a moment in history where a human being has been found free from mistakes. So WHY put faith in tangible things - worldly things? No man or woman will ever love you the way that God does. Yet you continue to place your trust in him, her, or them, only to be disappointed in the end. You get so preoccupied with life that you forget to spend time with the Lord, until something unfortunate happens; even evil doers call out the Lord's name when they are in a bind, but why should He come to our rescue when we decide to finally dedicate some time to Him? He gave us the ultimate gift of eternal life. God does NOT owe us anything, rather, we owe our lives to Him. Work on placing God at the top of your priority list.
Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We ask for forgiveness of everything that we have thought, said, or did, that was not pleasing in your sight. Help us to release all negativity stored within. Give us the strength we need to forgive those who have wronged us, the same way you continuously grant forgiveness to us. Also, place upon those we may have wronged, the same desire that we too may be forgiven. More importantly Father, whatever guilt we place on self, allow us to release so that we may forgive ourselves. Bless us with a double portion of your Spirit Father. Close any and every unnecessary door that is open in our lives, and open supernatural doors to peace, prosperity, clarity, contentment, and happiness. Provide each of us with clear and concise revelations that we need in order to overcome the adversary. Help us to see, hear, and feel your presence through every trial and tribulation. Help us to reevaluate our lifestyles, and to rearrange our priorities, placing you at the top of our list. Provide discernment to know the difference between good and bad, right from wrong, and your will vs. our own desires. We thank you for the triumph over sin and death. We thank you for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our loved ones and associates. We take back everything the devil has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. Lord we also grant your angels permission to do our bidding on Earth, that we may be transformed into an image that mirrors Christ Jesus. All these things we confess and claim victory without recourse. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our petition to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
Ministry Blog:
Non-profit Website:
Your independent Herbalife distributor/health coach:
Change begins within; work on becoming a better You

Monday, July 8, 2013

Listen, Hear, and Adhere (7/8/13)

Greetings Everyone,
All honor and glory be to God! Hey yall, I hope yall had a wonderful weekend. Today kinda sucked at work. Last week I was scheduled for training, during which those hours are normally spent conducting pill line. I reminded my supervisor and the pharmacist of my training, the day before, so that they could ensure that pill line was covered. However, it was not. This morning, I received a written counseling (negative-log) to be filed, stating that pill line is my primary job (false) and that I failed to complete my work responsibilities (false) for the date in question. So, I was bummed about that, but hey, life is not always a cup of sweet tea now is it? Anyway, a co-worker stopped to tell me how the last lesson I forwarded, seemed to speak directly to him. I rarely get feedback, unless I have taken a break or solicit urgent prayers for myself. But every blue moon, someone does reach out to me. I do NOT take credit for anything I put out in these lessons, fore the message we individually receive, is that for which God has intended us to. That being said, to GOD be ALL the glory. I will say however, knowing that what I share in fellowship may help at least one individual, brings me great joy. I am so flawed, and as stated before, I have many insecurities. Take it from me, do NOT learn the hard way. You will NEVER find complete fulfillment in random enhancements (make-up, weaves, false lashes, implants, other surgeries, colored contacts, etc.), because they are NOT real representations of you.Regardless of how much money you spend on these so-called improvements or enhancements, you are still putting on something that is fake or misleading - a mask if you will. In the end you will still suffer from your insecurities until you once and for all, accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all. I'm still working on that, so keep me in prayer with that regard, but also for a better paying more fulfilling job (my dream job is to dedicate my hours to underprivileged people in surrounding communities, by way of my non-profit organization). I would also like you to pray for Juan Aranda as he works to build his relationship with Christ. Additionally, I would like to ask for prayer for the Teems family. Thanks in advance.
Reminder: my non-profit organization will be participating in the Brain Tumor Society’s 2nd annual 5k walk/run. FMBS Inc. will be walking/running in honor of my dear friend, Jennifer Robinson, a brain tumor survivor. If you would like to participate in the walk with us, let me know, or “register” to “join a team” under my name (Tylesha Allen) or my company’s name (FMBS Inc.) for Team Jenn. Or, if you would rather submit a monetary donation, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Ether way, simply copy and paste one of these two URL addresses or into your Internet browser to read Jennifer’s story, to join Team Jenn, or to make a pledge that will help us reach our fund-raising goal, also listed on our team page. Feel encouraged to SHARE these links with others, because so many people have suffered death as a result of brain tumors and brain cancers, and many others are also affected; our efforts will bring researchers that much closer to a cure, and will help to better educate society. As we continue to work together to spread God’s Gospel, let us also encourage one another to take steps that lead to a healthy overall mind, body, and soul; TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.). Have you fed your spirit today? CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN, so START YOUR TRANSFORMATION TODAY, because tomorrow is NOT promised. Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcomeDo NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. God Bless!

Lord please clear our minds, and open our eyes and ears so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***
For Wisdom and Guidance:
"The Spirit of truth abideth in me and teaches me all things and He guides me into all truths. Therefore I confess I have perfect knowledge of every situation and every circumstance that I come up against. For I have the wisdom of God" derived from John 16:13  and James 1:5 (Capps, 1976, p. 155). Reference: Capps, C. (1976). The Tongue - A Creative Force. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Harrison House.
John 16:13 says, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future." James 1:5 states, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." "The trust into which the Holy Spirit guides us is the truth about Christ. The Spirit also helps us through patient practice to discern right from wrong. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would tell them 'what is yet to come' - the nature of their mission, the opposition they would face, and the final outcome of their efforts." (The Life Application Study Bible New International Version. (1991). John Chapter 16 - Footnotes (p. 1914). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.). These revelations occurred after Jesus' death and resurrection, and were then revealed to us in the form of the Bible, which is why we need to SHARE God's Gospel. What good is the TRUTH if no one ever hears it? Ok, I need to take a brief intermission right now... as I'm typing, a few individuals who are very important to me entered my heart. So, what I will say to them (you know who you are), but also to one of you (God will reveal to that individual who this particular message is for)... First, KNOW that I love you. Second, I encourage you NOT to give up. It is not over yet. Remember that the battle is already won, but manifestation comes when you BELIEVE and RECEIVE it. You did NOT deserve to go through that heartache, the pain, and the suffering that you have endured beyond measure and comprehension. I can personally say that although our struggles are different, each individual may suffer a wide array of events similarly. For example, the effects of rape to one person is like infidelity to another. Being homeless to one individual may render the same affect on someone else who has to move back in with your parents as an adult - EVERY situation and circumstance is unique to each individual. However, your time is near just be steadfast and the sooner you ACCEPT your past, FORGIVE your trespassers the way that God forgives you, and BELIEVE in God's authority to fix/mend whatever is broken in your life, the sooner YOU WILL find the peace that passeth all understanding. You keep tryna fill that void with worldly things, and you want God to answer your questions, but have you really taken the time to LISTEN, HEAR, and ADHERE to God's reply? Hallelujah yall! This message is for you, him, her, and them, but most of all, it is speaking directly to ME. I need to take heed to what it is that God is placing on my heart to deliver to yall... I do these SODs because I am not ashamed to admit that I am sinner, I am a flawed child of Christ, and I need help. I enter into fellowship will yall for prayer together, revelations, and self-reflection. I need this, you need this, but most of all YOU need to study to show thyself approved... do NOT take my interpretation of the Word for face value, do NOT accept every word your teacher (pastor, bishop, priest, rabbi, Sheikh, etc.) says, and do NOT believe all the hearsay about the Lord. Instead, do your own studies and research, so that God may reveal to YOU what HE will have you to learn from His Word. Now back to our message... "By wisdom, James is talking not only about knowledge, but about the ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances. Whenever we need wisdom, we can pray to God, and he will generously supply what we need... but we will be unable to receive it if our goals are self-centered instead of God-centered" (The Life Application Study Bible New International Version. (1991). James Chapter 1 - Footnotes (p. 2245). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.). To receive the wisdom of God, we must use God's Word as our guidelines so that He may reveal His will, but more importantly, we must abide by it; all things fall on course once we are able to align our lives with the Word of God.
Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We ask for forgiveness of everything that we have thought, said, or did, that was not pleasing in your sight. Father God we ask for special blessings over Juan, the Teems family, Tylesha, and the individuals you've placed on her heart; bless them individually according to your perfect will and plan for their lives. Provide the wisdom and understanding they need to move forward in life. Close any and every unnecessary door that is opened in their lives, and then open new doors that lead to peace, prosperity, contentment, and happiness. Lord we ask now that you open supernatural doors in our lives, and bless us with a double portion of your Spirit. Oversee the efforts made to recruit participants for the brain tumor walk/run, and allow all fund-raising for this event to overflow. Bless all those who donate to the Brain Tumor Society in support of Jennifer and other victims/survivors of brain tumors, as well as those who participate in the actual walk/run. Father we ask that you will bless Tye's non-profit organization, FMBS Inc., abundantly with prosperity and success. Provide individual revelations that we each need to overcome the adversary, that we may see, hear, and feel your presence when you call Father, and help us to be quick in answering your call. Give us discernment to know the difference between your will and our own desires. We thank you for the triumph over sin and death. We thank you for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our loved ones and associates. We take back everything the devil has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. Lord we also grant your angels permission to do our bidding on Earth, that we may be free to lead a Christ-like lifestyle even when we think no one is looking. All these things we confess and claim victory without recourse. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our petition to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
Ministry Blog:
Non-profit Website:
Your independent Herbalife distributor/health coach:
Change begins within; work on becoming a better You

Monday, July 1, 2013

Answer your door (7/1/13)

Greetings Everyone,

All honor and glory be to God! Hey yall, I hope yall had a wonderful weekend. Mine was hot. Anyone who knows me, knows that my pool is primarily for show, due to the fact that it NEVER warms up. My pool always feels like ice. I get all dressed and ready to take a dip, but as soon as I put a toe in, I decide to retire back into the house in the AC. However, it was so hot on Saturday, I had no choice but to get in. I didn't even jump in, I walked in with no hesitation. Well, enough about that. I was driving into work today contemplating about all the money I have wasted over the years, trying to alter and/or "improve" things about myself due to my insecurities. I spent $2500 on laser acne treatment, $3800 on Lasix eye surgery, $3500 on braces, and who knows how much on miscellaneous crap. Well guess what... I still have skin problems, after only two years, I am back in glasses and my prescription is stronger than before the Lasix, and although my teeth are straightening, it's such a nuisance at my age to deal with braces. The point of me saying all this is to warn those of you going down a similar path, to ACCEPT who you are. If it isn't something you can improve through self-reflection, such as an attitude adjustment or to quit some type of bad or unhealthy habit (e.g. biting nails, smoking, excessive drinking), then ACCEPT your flaws. It is my observation that people, including myself, are their own worst critic. If you work on your self-esteem and confidence, then you will STOP being concerned about how others look at you or perceive you, and thus, your motivation for change involves self-improvement that benefits your overall character rather than your appearance. I am slowly working on improving myself, and building my confidence and self-esteem, so that I will be happy with me, and NOT who society believes I should be. Your motivation to change should be a personal desire fueled by self-image rather than societal perception. There are a ton of events dating back to my childhood and adolescence, which triggered the onset of my self-esteem issues and decline in confidence. Over the years, they got worse. But I have taken a stand to claim victory over the adversary, and have begun therapy as well. Seeking help through outside sources such as a therapist, is NOT a bad thing. It does NOT mean you're crazy or weak. It simply means that you have recognized a problem or potential issue, and want to make a change BEFORE it's too late. So kudos to those of you who have made a decision to discover the root of your inner turmoil, and I encourage those of you who haven't, to do the same. It will only work in your favor.
Reminder: my non-profit organization will be participating in the Brain Tumor Society’s 2nd annual 5k walk/run. FMBS Inc. will be walking/running in honor of my dear friend, Jennifer Robinson, a brain tumor survivor. If you would like to participate in the walk with us, let me know, or “register” to “join a team” under my name (Tylesha Allen) or my company’s name (FMBS Inc.) for Team Jenn. Or, if you would rather submit a monetary donation, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Ether way, simply copy and paste one of these two URL addresses into your Internet browser to read Jennifer’s story, to join Team Jenn, or to make a pledge to help us reach our fund-raising goal, also listed on our team page. Feel encouraged to SHARE these links with others, because so many people out there have met death because of brain tumors and brain cancers, and many others are also affected; our efforts will bring researchers that much closer to a cure, and will help to better educate society. As we continue to work together to spread God’s Gospel, let us also encourage one another to take steps that lead to a healthy overall mind, body, and soul; TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.). Have you fed your spirit today? CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN, so START YOUR TRANSFORMATION TODAY, because tomorrow is NOT promised. Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome. Do NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. God Bless!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***
For Material Needs:
"The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity if His servant, and Abraham's blessings are mine" derived from Psalm 35:27 and Galatians 3:14 (Capps, 1976, p. 154). Reference: Capps, C. (1976). The Tongue - A Creative Force. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Harrison House.
Psalm 35:27 says, “But give great joy to those who came to my defense. Let them continually say 'Great is the Lord, who delights in blessing his servant with Peace.'" Galatians 3:14 states, "Through Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised Abraham, so that we who are believers might receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith.” God has kept His promise by blessing us with the Spirit. It is through our faith that we are given the ability to receive the presence of the Lord our God through His Spirit. Have you ever been in church and the words of the Gospel triggered a shout, tears of joy and/or shame (as you recognize your sins), or an overwhelming presence that was indescribable? Well I have. And it is my opinion that when we are overcome with the Spirit of God, it is something undeniable. When you pray for peace and comfort, and all of a sudden, the answer reveals itself or your worries cease - that is the presence of the Spirit. When you feel like shouting "Hallelujah," jumping for joy as you receive God's Gospel, or tears well up in your eyes because you've received your revelation - the Spirit of the Lord is there. God remains the same, and UNLIKE man, He is reliable and true to His Word. We are blessed with the Holy Spirit on Earth, that God may reign in us at ALL times. He's NOT waiting on your call, He is waiting for you to answer your door. If you cannot hear Him knocking, then something or someone is standing in the way of your blessing. Reflect on self, then LET GO, and LET GOD!
Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We ask for forgiveness of everything that we have thought, said, or did, that was not pleasing in your sight. Open supernatural doors in our lives, and bless us with a double portion of your Spirit. Oversee the efforts made to recruit participants for the brain tumor walk/run, and allow all fund-raising for this event to overflow. Bless all those who donate to the Brain Tumor Society in support of Jennifer and other victims/survivors of brain tumors, as well as those who participate in the actual walk/run. Father we ask that you will bless Tylesha’s organization, FMBS Inc., abundantly with prosperity and success. Provide the individual revelations we need to overcome the adversary, that we may see, hear, and feel your call Father. Give us discernment to know the difference between your will and our desires, and open our ears so that we may hear when you come knocking at our door; help us to be quick to answer your call Father. We thank you for the triumph over sin and death. We thank you for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our families. We take back everything the devil has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our claim to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
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