Sunday, January 10, 2021

Break the Cycles (1/10/2021)

 SALUTATIONS: Sup Yall? So, I saw that some of you may not have gotten the message from last week entitled New IN Him, as the distribution of the emails was suspended for some unknown reason. If you're interested in looking over that lesson or any of the archives, just check out my blog at; for those of you wondering about the blog URL, the SOW was formally abbreviated SOD because it was initially a daily production. However, as a full-time federal correctional worker, full-time student, and a long-distance commuter, realistic adjustments had to be made. Anyway, as always, I ask that you consider taking a moment to review ALL of the AnnouncementsHealthy Living Tips, and other information detailed below, following the Reflections and Power in Prayer, whenever time permits. Your continued support is always appreciated. Keep spreading God's Gospel and feel free to share the Scripture of the Week with the hashtag SOW. Enjoy! **Disclaimer: Production and distribution days of the SOW are subject to change without warning**

PRAISE REPORTS: Yoooo! I just want to praise God and give Him thanks simply for life; without His breath, I wouldn't be here. We ALL have reasons, both small and large, to shout "HALLELUJAH!" Give the Lord some glory yall! Praise Him through your struggles! We thank you, Heavenly Father, for our past trials, our current obstacles, and our future triumphs. If you have a specific praise report, please share, because we “
overcame [the adversary] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of [our] testimony” (Revelation 12:11). **NOTE: All praise reports are shared with reference to your name unless anonymity is specified**

PRAYER REQUESTS: Unfortunately, my aunt-in-law's dad didn't make it, but we appreciate all of your prayers. Additionally, she lost her grandmother within two hours of losing her dad, so let's lift up the Guillen family and friends in prayer during their time of bereavement. I'd like you to remember me in your petitions as well, asking God's favor in and over my spiritual walk and daily lifestyle. Continue praying for one another and thanking Yahweh for the victory while refraining from confessing the problem caused by the enemy; ALWAYS pray for the desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome (refer to the book 
The Tongue – A Creative Force, by Charles Capps; you can download your FREE copy here If you or someone you know needs prayer, let me know, and your request will be added to the following SOW. **NOTE: All prayer requests are shared with reference to your name and need unless anonymity is specified**

BE ENCOURAGED: NEVER lose sight of God amidst adversity… Ponder this: "
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen." (Frank Wright). I'm no theological scholar, and even if I were a pastor or an expert on God's word, I would still advise you NEVER to take someone else's word as solid truth; "Study to show thyself approved" (2 Timothy 2:15), and CHALLENGE EVERYTHING by comparing it to the Word of God. If what you see, hear, or read does NOT fall in line with the Word of God, then it is NOT true... The rest of this day isn't promised, let alone tomorrow, so why not strengthen your faith TODAY? Feed your body healthy nutrition, be cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirit to be exposed to (e.g., media, books, TV, music, etc.) so that YOU can start anew and become a better you NOW, rather than later. If you need someone to help you get there, or you're looking for an accountability partner, you've come to the right place. Here I am.
Clean This House" by Isaac Carree (you can listen to it here and "Strong Enough" by J. Moss (you can listen to it here I would also like to recommend Classical for Studying Radio on Pandora to better facilitate your meditation on the Word as you study, you can listen to that station here  

Yahweh, please let your presence set the tone for how this lesson will flow and how we will grow from it. Clear our minds and open our eyes, ears, and hearts so that we may be decreased in self and increased in you. Fill us with the Holy Spirit to see as we look, to listen as we hear, to come into alignment with your word and your will, to receive, believe, and apply your truth, that we may be transformed by your intended message from this fellowship and become better as a result of it. In the name of Yeshua, Amen!
PASSAGE(S) – GALATIANS 3:13: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree."

**Unless otherwise indicated all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible retrieved from**

REFLECTIONS: If yall got a chance to review the Announcements last week you would've been informed about the virtual abuse support group that I started last year; we discuss topics under the premise the curse is broken. I've been praying for God to guide me to the topics this year for our lessons, and I believe that the Spirit led me to discuss this very relevant topic with you all; we're always taught that the reason we're predisposed to certain mal behaviors is because of generational curses. However, the Lord admonished me that "Christ has redeemed us from the curse" (Galatians 3:13). Well, if generational curses aren't behind our current habitual poor decision-making, what is? Generational Cycles. 

Generational curses are uncleansed sins that increase in strength from one generation to the next, affecting the members of that family and all who enter relationship with that family. Basically, it’s a specific pattern (e.g., teen pregnancy, divorce, pornography, anger, abuse, adultery, alcoholism, etc.) that is deposited into the family where the family members will be more predisposed to repeating those behaviors because of heightened exposure to it. Every family has its skeletons, perhaps yours has addiction. Maybe yours has a history of domestic violence or sexual abuse, either way, to accept that these habitual offenses are a result of a "curse" is to suggest that we are bound to them. However, Jesus became the curse and shed His blood to redeem ALL (read 
II Corinthians 5:21 here So, yes, we are affected by the consequences of generational curses, however, we are not chained to them. Since the curse was already broken, what we’re really needing to do is put an end to the cycles

Generational curses affect our families by developing cycles that range from teen pregnancy, addiction, alcoholism, divorce, sexual abuse, etc. According to 
Exodus 20 starting at verse 5 (read it here, generational curses and/or cycles – consequences and predisposition to repeated sin from generation to generation, develops by:

  • Iniquity – a specific weakness, stronghold, or something we have a natural tendency towards because of willfully and consistently sinning against God without repentance. Now, some confuse repentance with asking for forgivenessthese are not the same. Asking for forgiveness is merely a confession or request to be pardoned of the wrongdoing, whereas, to repent is to turn away from – to stop that sinful behavior. Yes, we might have a relapse here and there, but the sincere effort to correct that erroneous behavior is what true repentance entails. The iniquities of our forefathers have the power to rollover all the way to the 3rd and 4th generations. Thus, every time someone from a new generation gives into these predispositions – repeating the cycles mapped out before us, it extends the curse, cycle rather, to more generations thereafter.
  • Rejection – our personal sins that we willfully choose to engage in without any plan or conviction to turn away from, is a profession of our rejection of God. Therefore, the repeated offense of our forefathers as well as ourselves, will visit our children, and our children’s children, and their children’s children louder than any other sin because it was deposited into our family line. Remember that includes those who aren’t even blood relatives, because these cycles affect everyone who has close ties to the family, which means the consequences of these iniquities can affect our friends or our children’s friends, our step-children, adopted children, and/or extended family; like money deposited into a bank account, we deposit these cycles into our family line with every family member that chooses to reject God (i.e., turn away and/or ignore His commands), these cycles shall remain.

So how do we break these generational cycles

  • Recognize God’s promise and the power you have in Him. In Exodus 20verse 6 (read it here the Word reveals that God will show mercy to a thousand generations of those who LOVE and KEEP His commands; We have the power to break the generational strongholds and create a new inheritance for our children’s generations and so forth, that reflect God’s righteousness.
  • Stop blaming our parents and ancestors for poor decisions that we make. In Ezekiel 18 starting at verse 2 (read it here we can see that even back then, we were using “victim of circumstance” as an excuse to remain stuck in our ways. But we were given the gift of the Holy Spirit within us to break the generational cycles that were deposited into our families.
  • Accountability. In James 5 verse 16 (read it here we’re advised to confess our sins one to another and pray for each other so that we might be healed. The monthly virtual support meeting is an aspect of accountability; we get to share our stories, and share our testimonies. Maybe you used to be the offender but was delivered. Perhaps you were victimized yet overcame. Even if you’re merely here to simply skim the lesson to see what nuggets can be taken from this feast, you’re taking action to stand in the gap to protect the generations after you from ancestral cycles. 

How do we begin to heal from the scars caused by generational cycles, and how do we let go of the baggage we carry because of them? Generational cycles can leave us filled with hatred, resentment, confusion, shame, and sometimes guilt. The key to healing is remembering that we have the ability to choose how to react to the unfortunate circumstances of our past and/or present to pave the way for a healthy future. That means, we have control over our mental and emotional freedom. There are several ways to accept and achieve the power that we’re already equipped with. However, I am only going to discuss the one that the Spirit continues to reveal to me is the key to all the rest, and that's forgiveness.

We must take some time to do a self-check. What are you not letting go ofWho aren't you forgiving, and whyWhat benefit does it serve to walk in unforgiveness? Being angry, unforgiving, and negative are emotionally draining. Let me remind you, I am not talking from a place of hearsay, this is my current journey; I am speaking from a place of experience. The mental stress of bitterness is twice the weight that manual labor puts on our bodies; it affects our mental, physical, and emotional health. Forgiveness leads to healthier relationships, improved trust, diminished anxiety, boosted self-esteem, and overall well-being. 
Joyce Meyer spoke about a class where the professor instructed her students to bring in a sack of potatoes as well as a clear empty sack. In the clear sack, the students were instructed to place one potato in the sack for every person they refused to forgive, including themselves. Then, they were to physically carry the sack everywhere that they went for several weeks, give or take (don't quote me on the time frame). Some individual's sacks were fuller than others, and eventually, that weight became a burden to carry; the weight signified how heavy the burden we hold onto because of an unforgiving heart. At the end of those weeks, the potatoes were rotting; the rotten potatoes represent how unforgiveness festers within, rotting our peace. She pointed out that forgiveness is not for the benefit of our offender(s), rather, it is for ourselves; our abuser(s) probably could care less if we've forgiven them or not. While they continue on in their daily routine with no consideration for us, we're dwelling in the wrong that they've done against us. Therefore, it is by forgiving (i.e., letting go of) that thing - that resentment, that helps us to move forward in our lives.

Interestingly enough, sometimes the person we need to forgive is the one we see in the mirror. 
MJ said it best, "if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. I'm starting with the man in the mirror." Perhaps you have acknowledged the generational cycles in your family, yet, you're also discerning to the Holy Spirit but chose to ignore His calling. In so doing, you feel guilt and shame for the poor decisions you made, thus, blame yourself for your past and/or present unfavorable circumstances. You must forgive yourself for any role you may have played that has led to an undesired result. For instance, maybe you chose to pursue a relationship that you failed to consult God 1st on, or, you remained in a toxic relationship until it caused what seems like irreconcilable emotional, mental, and/or physical damage. In a bible study discussion similar to this, a friend of mine, Imani, stated, "you did the best you could do with what you knew at the time." Take into consideration that not every offense is malicious. Hurt people, hurt people; forgiveness is not for their serenity, it is for our own peace of mind and spiritual comfort. Just because we are old enough to know right from wrong, love, pain, and confusion can be interchangeable when it comes down to the poor decision we might make under their influence. We need to recognize that if we spend our days waiting for someone else to right their wrong, we may die waiting on it. Perhaps you've been spending your years dwelling on someone's failure to apologize, seeking closure from a failed relationship, or hoping to hear of God's vengeance being spewed upon your offender, yet, you ponder why you're still far from inner peace; it is time to LET GO of that thing - that grudge that you're holding onto and FORGIVE. #SOW

POWER IN PRAYER: Yahweh, our Lord, our redeemer, our savior, our provider, our friend. We are grateful for your grace, your mercy, your love, and your acceptance. Thankful for your example, your direction, and your revelations. We praise you for every moment of life, for provisions, clarity, wisdom, healing, and strength. Father God, we ask that you will comfort the hearts of all those mourning the loss of Richard and Aurora Guillen; may they be filled with the peace that passes our understanding. As we continue to grow in you spiritually, Father, activate and accelerate our individual desire to seek you first in our lives, and prioritize everything else in our daily lifestyles according with your will. Help us to exercise our faith in you, and to praise you in every circumstance. Saturate every area of our lives Lord. Touch the innermost core of our beings that we may tap into that which you have already equipped us with. Permeate our excuses so that every generational cycle may be broken through us. Help us to break away from an unforgiving heart and to embrace forgiveness of those who have wronged us, and especially the reflection we see in the mirror. Help us not to be accepting of the distortion we see in our reflections, rather, seeking alignment with you so that the reflection we see of ourselves mirrors yours. Give us divine wisdom and insight. Remove everything within us that is not inspired by you. Help us to be sensitive to what you're doing in our lives and give us the strength to step into it. Make anointing and grace our atmosphere so that fear, anxiety, addiction, depression, and self-hate are dissolved. Relieve us from the familiar spirits trying to maintain attachments to our lineages; release our children, their children, and their children's children from the evil forces assigned against us. Father, may your will be done in our lives, and may our trust in you be strong enough to be genuine in that request. As your angels and Holy Spirit do your bidding on Earth and in Heaven, protect us and them with your recourse as you bind, loose, and cast out the demonic spirits of distraction, destruction, retaliation, revenge, and backlash. All these things we ask in the matchless name of Yeshua, Amen!

HEALTHY LIVING TIPS: Change begins within... Let's talk about meditation. If I'm being honest, this is something I have yet to master. I am still struggling to quiet my mind on my own. However, I have found many FREE guided meditations on YouTube, that range anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 or more hours, that have been effective for me. By definition, meditation is a practice where you use gratitude, mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular thing, thought, or activity (i.e., heighten your attention and awareness), to achieve a mental clarity and peace of mind. 

It is believed that just a few minutes of meditation each day can have positive effects on your health; meditation practices can even be broken down to short minutes of mindfulness and/or deep breathing throughout the day. Here are some benefits of meditation (
Natale, Nicol. “A Simple Guide on How to Start Meditating, According to Experts: With stress levels higher than ever, there’s never been a better time to start.” Accessed 10 January 2021):

  • Improves our ability to problem solve. Our problem-solving abilities can become impaired when our minds are distracted or we are tired, but meditation can help bring focus and alertness.
  • Reduces stress. People who meditate regularly can avoid activating the stress response, but meditation helps us stay present.
  • May help boost the immune system. When presented with unwanted thoughts or judgments, people who meditate may be more inclined to maintain positive emotions, and one study showed that people who practiced meditation produced more antibodies when given a flu shot vs individuals who do not.

There isn't a standard way of meditation, however, there are 6 main categories of meditation. Those are as follows:

1.    Spiritual - practicing reflection on a deeper connection or purpose.

2.    Focused - the act concentration using one or all of your 5 senses.

3.    Mantra - to recite a mantra (e.g., "Om") repeatedly.

4.    Mindfulness - focusing your mind on your thoughts without critical judgement, and/or turning your attention to that which you are grateful.

5.    Movement - moving the body in ways that bring peace, such as walking, swimming, or yoga.

6.    Transcendental - piggybacks off of mantra meditation in which you're given a custom mantra from a TM instructor.

Take some time to study the categories of meditation, then experiment with them; decide which technique provides the optimal comfort and peace. Once you've determined which style best suits your need, try implementing that form of meditation starting with one minute, then increasing your time as your get comfortable with it. As always, stay safe and blessed!


1.    Update on my children's book Color Isn't Who I AM © 2019: I'm currently awaiting the hard copy of my book so that I can approve it for distribution. I am also working with a former shipmate on my next project, I'll keep yall updated with that as well. Thank you for all those who supported verbally, monetarily, and/or otherwise.

2.    Whether I'm solo or have a team to back me, I will soon relaunch the community activity of my non-profit organization, Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (FMBS Inc.). I would greatly appreciate any willing volunteers to help serve our communities, and/or to play the significant role of a committed and trusted board member; my appreciation will be extended to anyone that can help facilitate making an impact in surrounding at-risk and underprivileged communities. Part of FMBS Inc's mission is to help supply the homeless as well as needy families with food and hygiene bags and to serve as mentors and/or advocates for at-risk youth and victims of abuse. Reach out to me regarding your interest in service or to arrange another form of contribution; contact me via email at, or leave a voicemail and/or text at (951) 790-2127.

3.    Please take a moment to register your Ralph's, Food 4 Less, and/or Kroger Rewards cards to enroll your member number/phone number for the Ralph's/Food 4 Less Community Contribution Program to help Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (aka FMBS Inc., serving communities throughout Southern Cali since 2012) raise funds to give back to the community; for every purchase you make, a small % is given as a donation to our non-profit organization - your rewards points are NOT affected by this enrollment. To enroll, you must go to their website here and link your rewards cards and/or telephone numbers (Alt ID) to our organization each year, and we will earn money for every purchase made under your rewards cards. Your continued support is always appreciated. 

4.    I have been rallying some volunteers for a neighborhood clean-up in LA. If you're interested in joining this crusade and/or know of resources or contacts that can assist in this venture, hit me up.

5.    I'm also looking to get FMBS Inc. back active in the community. I also would like to start creating video content and eventually live workshops that will provide guidance, mentorship, resources, and helpful information for at-risk youth. Here's the thing, I don't know how to do any of this. I'm not tech-savvy, and unknowledgeable to a lot of non-profit resources that might assist in the execution of these ideas, but if you have any helpful information, please share.

6.    If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, more specifically, sexual abuse, I started a virtual support group via Zoom; we meet every 3rd Sunday at 2:30 PST. Just text "heal" to (323) 800-8616 to be added to our text notifications/reminders.

JOIN OUR CAUSE: Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (FMBS Inc.) is on a never-ending quest to locate deserving individuals to extend our services to. Therefore, we are always in need of monetary donations and/or contributions of hygiene items, sealed snacks, bottled water, seasonal items (gloves, scarves, blankets, umbrellas, sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm, etc.), mini bibles, reading books, and so forth; our YEAR-ROUND mission is to serve homeless and/or needy individuals and families in underprivileged communities throughout Southern California. We also need DEDICATED volunteers and members – is this your calling? Eventually, when we have met our need for volunteers and board members, we will extend our services to assist and address some of the needs of our veterans and their family members. We are successful because of YOUR continued support. Please continue to back us up through participation, and/or by encouraging others to join our cause!
For more information about our organization contact



Tylesha "Tye" Allen   
Behavioral Interventionist | Mobile Notary | CEO/Founder of FMBS Inc.
·         Mobile: (951) 790-2127
·         Address: Los Angeles, CA
·         Website: |  
·         Email:
·         Change begins within; work on becoming a better You
·         "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)

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