SALUTATIONS: Hey yall. Many Christians would argue that it isn't possible to integrate into the popular culture without compromising one's beliefs but I beg to differ. In tonight's lesson, we're going to explore how 4 young men were uprooted from their upbringing and forced to take on new names, a new language, and a new cultural experience, all without compromising their devotion to God. Let's get into it. As always, take time to review ALL of the Announcements, Healthy Living Tips, and other information detailed below, following the Reflections and Power in Prayer, whenever time permits. Your continued support is always appreciated. Keep spreading God's Gospel and feel free to share the Scripture of the Week with the hashtag SOW. Enjoy! **Disclaimer: Production and distribution days of the SOW are subject to change without warning**
PRAYER REQUESTS: My book arrived, I was so excited until I noticed the marked price was extremely high for my target audience and its content. So, instead of allowing the adversary to steal my joy, I decided to put it in God's hand; let's ask God to work out a reasonable price for Color Isn't Who I AM so that it'll reach a bookshelf near you, sooner rather than later. Let's continue to pray for one another and thank Yahweh for the victory while refraining from confessing the problem caused by the enemy; ALWAYS pray for the desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome (refer to the book The Tongue – A Creative Force, by Charles Capps; you can download your FREE copy here If you or someone you know needs prayer, let me know, and your request will be added to the following SOW. **NOTE: All prayer requests are shared with reference to your name and need unless anonymity is specified**
BE ENCOURAGED: NEVER lose sight of God amidst adversity… Ponder this: "Never compromise who you are for anyone. If they don't like you the way you are, it's better if they leave than you losing your identity" ( I'm no theological scholar, and even if I were a pastor or an expert on God's word, I would still advise you NEVER to take someone else's word as solid truth; "Study to show thyself approved" (2 Timothy 2:15), and CHALLENGE EVERYTHING by comparing it to the Word of God. If what you see, hear, or read does NOT fall in line with the Word of God, then it is NOT true... The rest of this day isn't promised, let alone tomorrow, so why not strengthen your faith TODAY? Feed your body healthy nutrition, be cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirit to be exposed to (e.g., media, books, TV, music, etc.) so that YOU can start anew and become a better you NOW, rather than later. If you need someone to help you get there, or you're looking for an accountability partner, you've come to the right place. Here I am.
FEATURED SONGS OF PRAISE: "I Won't Compromise" by IOG Choirs (you can listen to it here and "You Will Win" performed by a group of singers at Jekalyn Carr (you can listen to it here I would also like to recommend Classical for Studying Radio on Pandora to better facilitate your meditation on the Word as you study, you can listen to that station here
OPENING PRAYER: Yahweh, please let your presence set the tone for how this lesson will flow and how we will grow from it. Clear our mind and open our eyes, ears, and heart so that we may be decreased in self and increased in you. Fill us with your presence through the Holy Spirit to see as we look, to listen as we hear, to come into alignment with your word and your will, to receive, believe, and apply your truth, that we may be transformed by your intended message from this fellowship and become better as a result of it. In the name of Yeshua, Amen!
KEY PASSAGE(S) – DANIEL 1:8, 11-13: "8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. 11 Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. 13 Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants."
But first, your boy had to break them down... ironically, there are some parallels when it comes to the position of authority for kings and how their methods were very similar to God's, yet, self-serving. Anyway, not only did Nebuchadnezzar integrate them into a new culture and introduce them to their new language, he changed them boys' God-centered names to derivatives of those centered around the Babylonians' false gods. Daniel, which means, God is my judge, was renamed Belteshazzar (he whom Bel favors); Bel was a god that the Babylonians worshipped. Hananiah (Yah has been gracious) became Shadrach (inspired of Aku), Mishael (who is what God is) was renamed Meshach (belonging to Aku), and Azariah (Yah has helped) became Abednego (servant of Nego); Aku and Nego were also false gods of the Babylonian culture.
Can yall see the parallels yet? God originated name changes when He changed Abram's name to Abraham; the name-change reflected a transition from an ill-meaning name, in which we notice throughout the Bible that the characters lived up to their names, to a meaningful name that represented a transformation from a life without God, to one that was centered in Him. By removing these four from their own devout culture, Nebuchadnezzar was intentional in his attempt to change their religious loyalty by altering their names and assimilating them into Babylonian traditions so to speak.
We know that in Jewish culture back then, even still today, there are strict dietary rules and special celebratory holidays that are adhered to, to pay homage to God for rescuing the Israelites out of Egypt. Now, I'm not certain exactly what the "daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank" (Daniel 1:5) was but presumably it was something that went against the specific instruction of God, outlined in Leviticus 11 (read it here But let's take it one step further. You see, the KJV of Daniel 1:8 says, "Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank." But let's look at the NIV, it says, "Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine." I didn't have to look up what resolved meant because my study bible defined it as "a strong word that means to be devoted to principle and to be committed to a course of action" (Life Application Study Bible: KJV, notes, pg. 1202). What if, when Daniel asked the Melzar permission not to defile himself, his true reason revolved around his allegiance and trust in God?
Think about it, Daniel and his boys were already subjected to undergo a name-change and culture shock, if they had also gone full-in accepting the king's choice of food, would not a dependence had been presumable by the king? You see, by Daniel asking permission to eat "pulse" (Daniel 1:12) which is another word for vegetables, despite having already made up in his heart (resolved) that he had no intention on partaking of the king's meat, he was extending a certain level of respect for the authority that he was currently under, which is part of his devotion to God's law (read Titus 3:1 and Romans 13:1-2, NIV, here Their moral conviction impacted Melzar so much that he obliged. Sounds easy enough, but in those days, to disobey the king was like sentencing yourself to death - it was an offense punishable by execution. Paradoxically, Daniel and his boys' fear of the Lord drove them to remain unwavering in their cultural traditions that honored God in a society with a mislaid moral compass, while Melzar's fear of execution had no bearing against his favor for the four men, because their conviction was so solid that they even challenged him to test them. After the 10-day test to see if them boys were going to be uber scrawny from consuming only veggies and water, they "proved" (Daniel 1:12) that God's provision is sufficient, and that without compromise, their devotion to God in a Godless society still rendered divine favor, supreme clarity, and levelheadedness.
It is not enough for us to want to do God's will; a want cannot stand against temptation, we must resolve (be devoted, committed) beforehand, to obey God. That means, we ought to take a self-assessment to determine what our weaknesses are as it relates to temptation so that we can recognize our patterns and triggers, and learn from them. Consider these questions:
- What things, environments, people, circumstances are tempting to me, and how?
- In what ways have I been presented with these temptations and gave in (failed the test)?
- In what way did God provide an out, but I rejected it?
- What warning signs or red flags did I notice yet ignored?
- What are my triggers?
- If this is something I really don't want to do, why am I still doing it?
- What benefit does it render if I continue?
- How will my life improve when I stop?
- How can I be proactive?
We are living in a Godless society that honors money, relationships, material things, and status over God. Yet, as you think through your temptations before they arise, decide where to draw the line, establish your commitment so that when temptation arrives, you are prepared/ready to say "no." In a world that loves to love gods over God, it is possible to display discipline, integrity, and stability in our beliefs, which in turn generates universal respect from believers and non-believers alike. There is always a way to live by God's standards even in a culture that chooses not to honor Him; if it doesn't violate His commands, then use it to aid in accomplishing His purpose. As we take a stand on our convictions, outsiders witness an example that gives honor and glory back to God. He'll ride for you, as you stand for Him WITHOUT compromise. #SOW
- Life Application Bible: King James Version: Red Letter. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2004. Print. [in text parenthetical reference examples: (Life Application Bible, notes on Dan. 1.8)]
POWER IN PRAYER: POWER IN PRAYER: Our Father, Almighty Provider, our Alpha, and Omega, we thank you for the power in the name of your Son, Jesus. We bless you for your eternal love, and clear direction. We thank you for equipping us with resilience, strength, and an uncompromising spirit for a life better served with you. Father, we give you Color Isn't Who I AM; fore who has the final say but you, Father? We thank you for working on the heart of the publishing company to tag Tylesha's book at a reasonable retail price so that her book is more accessible to everyone, including low-income families with young children who can benefit from its message. Lord, our provisions from you are boundless and our words can never express enough praise. We're grateful for your support; Lord, when no one else is here to listen to our cries, or to pick us up when we fall, you are. We appreciate your everlasting grace and mercy. There is no other like you, and despite our disobedience and failure to remain faithful in service to you and in trusting you wholeheartedly, you still love us. May our stance be as yours, everlasting, founded, grounded, and centered in you, so that we are proactive and considering our temptations beforehand so that when we're faced with them, we're bold and courageous enough to walk away from them. May we embody a spirit of non-negotiable character when it comes to walking in our God-driven purpose. When we pray, help us not to worry. Fix our unbelief and mend our distrust; show up and show out in case we've forgotten who's in control of it all, regardless of outer appearances. May your will be done in our lives, and may our trust in you be solid enough to render this request genuine in your sight. As your angels and Holy Spirit do your bidding on Earth and in Heaven, protect us and them with your recourse as you bind, loose, and cast out the demonic spirits of distraction, destruction, retaliation, revenge, and backlash. All these things we ask in the matchless name of Yeshua, Amen!
HEALTHY LIVING TIPS: Change begins within... Let's talk about the gastrointestinal tract aka, your gut. Your gut is extremely important to your overall health. When your gut health is out of wack, the unstable bacteria can lead to chronic diseases and GI conditions such as acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and hemorrhoids, to name a few.
- Take a probiotic and/or prebiotic: probiotics are specific strains of bacteria that directly add to the population of healthy microbes in your gut, whereas, prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that act like fertilizers that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
- Eat fermented foods: eating foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi are natural sources for probiotics, they add beneficial bacteria and enzymes to your overall intestinal tract, increasing its health and simultaneously enhancing both your digestive and immune systems.
- Consume fiber: fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it, helping to maintain bowel health.
- Drink water: drinking water during and/or after meals aids in digestion, it helps break down food so that your body can absorb its nutrients. H2O also softens stool, which aids in the prevention of constipation.
- Mayo Clinic Staff. "Dietary Fiber: Essential for a Healthy Diet." Mayo Clinic.,Helps%20maintain%20bowel%20health.. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- Lewin, J. "The Health Benefits of Fermenting." BBC goodfood.,and%20enhancing%20the%20immune%20system.. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- Mayo Clinic Staff. "Prebiotics, Probiotics and Your Health." Mayo Clinic. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- "Common GI Symptoms." American College of Gastroenterology. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- Gunnars, K. "27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based." Healthline. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- Picco, M. "Does drinking water during or after a meal disturb digestion?". Mayo Clinic.,stool%2C%20which%20helps%20prevent%20constipation.. Accessed February 22, 2021.
- I've decided to host a neighborhood clean-up in the West Athens area on March 27th. If you're interested in physically joining this crusade, donating supplies, and/or know of resources or contacts that can assist in this venture, hit me up.
- If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, I invite you to join my virtual support group via Zoom; we meet every 3rd Sunday at 2:30 PST. Just text "heal" to (323) 800-8616 to be added to our text notifications/reminders.
- Help me get FMBS Inc. back active in the community yall! I'd like to start regular community beautification projects, homeless outreach, and live workshops that will provide guidance, mentorship, resources, and helpful information for at-risk youth. Here's the thing, I don't know how to do any of this, but I'm willing to learn; if you have any helpful information or affordable training opportunities please share.
- Please take a moment to register your Ralph's, Food 4 Less, and/or Kroger Rewards cards to enroll your member number/phone number for the Ralph's/Food 4 Less Community Contribution Program to help Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (aka FMBS Inc., serving communities throughout Southern Cali since 2012) raise funds to give back to the community; for every purchase you make, a small % is given as a donation to our non-profit organization - your rewards points are NOT affected by this enrollment. To enroll, you must go to their website here and link your rewards cards and/or telephone numbers (Alt ID) to our organization each year, and we will earn money for every purchase made under your rewards cards. Your continued support is always appreciated.
- Update on my 1st children's book, Color Isn't Who I AM © 2019: There was a minor setback on its suggested retail pricing but it's just the setup for my God to come through. When He does, my book will be on a bookshelf near you.
- Be on the lookout for the relaunch of my non-profit organization, Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (FMBS Inc.). Although I am willing to carry out my plans solo, I would be remiss if I didn't extend an invitation to ALL willing volunteers to help me serve our communities by accepting a significant role as a committed and trusted board member, or a contributor of time (physical volunteer work), monies, supplies, and/or resources. My appreciation is extended to anyone that can help facilitate making an impact in surrounding at-risk and underprivileged communities throughout Southern California. Part of our mission is to help supply the homeless as well as needy families with food and hygiene bags throughout the year and especially during the holidays and to serve as mentors and/or advocates for at-risk youth and victims of abuse. Reach out to me regarding your interest in service or to arrange another form of contribution; contact me via email at, or leave a voicemail and/or text at (951) 790-2127.
For more information about our organization contact
Tylesha "Tye" Allen Behavioral Interventionist | Mobile Notary | CEO/Founder of FMBS Inc. · Mobile: (951) 790-2127 · Address: Los Angeles, CA · Website: | · Email: · Change begins within; work on becoming a better You · "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8) |
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