Happy New Year and Happy Sabbath! I hope everyone was responsible bringing in the new year. As for me I "gangstered", as I call it, two ideas from both my pastor and one of my BFFs. Instead of traditional celebrations, we brought in the new year capturing our "re-solutions" (Pastor Kelly, "P.K.") on vision boards (Jiliene Webb). P.K. helped us consider the idea that instead of setting resolutions that we won't keep, we should be considering - planning rather, our "solutions" to our goals that will also help to benefit others. Basically, instead of thinking about resolutions revolving around self, establish a solution that will correct your issue while helping someone else. So, if your solution to being unemployed is to find a new job, instead of picking a job based on how much money you make, consider a job that will allow you to minister to others. Perhaps you would even accept an entry level job that provides you with an opportunity for advancement, and as your vision becomes clear you'll recognize just how each level before your advance served a purpose. Does your passion in life have the potential to benefit someone other than yourself? Do you know why Martin Luther King Jr. and other activists were able to make such an impact in our current world? It is because their vision involved IMPACT on a grand scale... their purpose wasn't self-driven - every calculated move was self-less in considering how their words and actions could and would influence others into POSITIVE CHANGE. So instead of trying to adjust yourself for mere weeks or months, try to find a solution to your bad habits that will help make an impact in someone else's life. You have a substance abuse problem - join a therapy session to help get that under wrap, and volunteer your time to helping others in your same predicament; helping others to help themselves will keep you away from your problem, and focused on self improvement. There are problems in this world - in our community that our visions are meant to solve. So ask yourself if your vision is purpose driven, or influenced by selfish desires. I encourage you to always read the Scripture of the Week (SOW) in its entirety, though some sections are typically unchanging, it effectively covers significant information that is worth reading; skipping sections may cause you to miss the intended message Yahweh was trying to convey to you. PRAYER REQUESTS: As we re-focus our visions and establish solutions, let's pray that we stick to them instead of dropping them after we've grown bored of them. Continue to pray for one another as the Spirit leads, thanking Yahweh for the victory while refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome (refer to the book The Tongue – A Creative Force, by Charles Capps). ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you're looking for a way to give back to the community, one option involves providing material contributions or monetary donations to assist my non-profit organization, Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated, with its day-to-day operations. Arrangements can be made with me at any time via email or phone and/or through the PayPal link located on our website (listed below under Join Our Cause). Another way to give back is by joining my team of volunteers or members for a permanent role or specific events (for more info, contact me). Your continued support is always appreciated. Please keep spreading the word.
Change begins within… As we bring in this new year we should NOT attempt to fail yet another "resolution" to lose weight or to get into shape. Instead, STOP MAKING EXCUSES and realize your vision to BE in shape, and instead of thinking about Nike's slogan "just do it," we can say "JUST DID IT." I also suggest adding more fresh fruit and veggies to your nutritional intake, and locate an exercise routine that you will stick to; as Coach Kozak teaches, "the worst workout is the one you did NOT do." You can find more of Coach Kozak's FREE motivational quotes, FREE fitness and FREE nutrition guides here http://hasfit.com/.
JOIN OUR CAUSE: Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (FMBS Inc.) is on a never-ending quest to locate deserving individuals to extend our services to. Therefore we are always in need of monetary donations and/or contributions of hygiene items, sealed snacks, bottled water, winter items (gloves, scarves, blankets), mini bibles, etc.; our YEAR-ROUND mission is to serve homeless and/or needy individuals and families in underprivileged communities throughout Southern California. We are successful because of YOUR continued support. Please continue to back us up through participation, and/or by encouraging others to join our cause!
For more information about our organization, visit our website at http://www.fmbs-inc-bytye.org and/or add our Facebook page, Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (and/or Fostering Mindbodyandsoul), and follow us on Twitter @FMBSInc. On behalf of myself and my team of volunteers, I thank you in advance. ~Tylesha "Tye" Allen, CEO/Founder, FMBS Inc. Est. 2012~
BE ENCOURAGED: NEVER lose sight of God in the midst of adversity… Since I'm not a theological scholar, pastor, or expert in God's word, I urge you NEVER to take my word or anyone else's for that matter, as solid truth; "Study to show thyself approved" (II Timothy 2:15), and CHALLENGE EVERYTHING by comparing it to the Word of God. If what you see, hear or read does NOT fall in line with the Word of God, then it is NOT truth... The rest of this day isn't promised, let alone tomorrow, so why not strengthen your faith TODAY? Feed your body healthy nutrition, be cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirit to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.) so that YOU can start anew and become a better you NOW, not later. Ponder this: "No matter how many good deeds we perform, they aren't the ticket to earning God's favor. God graces us in spite of what we do in this life, not because of" (Bill Courtney). Have a blessed rest of the weekend.
Yahweh, please clear our minds and open our eyes, ears, and hearts so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Yeshua (Jesus), Amen!
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible***
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV). You ever question why things aren't going your way? You may have thought, "God I did what you asked so why have you allowed this to occur?" Or perhaps you thought, "God I did everything I'm supposed to do, so why haven't you done what I asked?" Well aside from the obvious - HE ACTS ON HIS TIME AND HIS WILL NOT OURS, I want us to analyze the true context of Leviticus 26:3 which says, "If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.": The "Church" has misrepresented time and time again what our purpose in the Church is. We are NOT a part of the Church to follow the traditions set forth by man - partaking in pagan holidays for the sake of tradition and turning suggestions such as the consumption of meat or wearing jewelry into acts of sin, only deters its members from the "Church". The TRUE Church is made up of a group of INDIVIDUALS who have a strong or growing relationship in Yeshua/Yahweh. And if the Bible says that Yahweh is loving, yet the so-called "Church" teaches that He is head of a dictatorship, what interest do the lost, skeptics or non-believers have? Pagan traditions, for example Christmas, claims to be holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus, when He was NOT even born in December - a holiday that originates from pagan sun worship, strengthens our relationship with Yahweh how? How do pagan holidays that have been erroneously linked to biblical occurrences such as Easter, which is supposed to celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ, bring people to God when its origins are distorted? I met several people who had no idea that Easter is linked to Christ's resurrection. Why? Because in all its paganism, Easter bunnies and egg hunts are now the center of attention. Yet, some of us who know what the Word says, REFUSE to ACT and ACCEPT ACCOUNTABILITY for the information we've received; we think that it's OK to celebrate pagan holidays as long as we teach our kids the so-called biblical truth. How can you teach anyone about the truth if you do NOT KNOW the truth yourself? We simply believe that our truths mixed with error - deception whether intentional or not - are part of our good works. We go about our days giving to receive something in return, do we not? You say no, well think about a day like Christmas or a birthday even, who do you typically get gifts for? People you love, right? But also, you spend a lil extra on someone who you know is a "good" gift giver, am I right? Is that not giving with the intent to receive something in return? Some people give tithes and offering because the Bible says so, and since they believe God is a dictator, it becomes a chore or burden rather than a desire. But the Bible tells us to be "cheerful" givers (refer to II Corinthians 9:7). Others give because the Word says to "give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure" (Luke 6:38). So again I point out the selfish link in such intent.
The focal point of this lesson however, involves the bargaining mind frame behind good works. We tend to be fixated on a give to get mentality when it comes to God; as a result of traditions and distortions developed from the Church's self-driven messages, in addition to people FAILING to study to show themselves approved (refer to II Timothy 2:15), in our ignorance we are naturally inclined to believe that God wants or needs something from us. Ever been in a bind and thought, "Lord if you get me out of this situation, I'll never make that mistake again?" I know I have many of times, and guess what, most of those times, I did not keep my end of the bargain. Did Yahweh cut me off? NOPE, if He had, I wouldn't still have a desire to get closer to Him. Imagine if our works were what God judged as means of our salvation; based solely on your works, past or present, would you be able to say that you are saved? You may just be an essentially good person, but if all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord, then an infraction such as a white lie is as serious as a felony such as murder. Again I ask, based off your past or present works can you say you're saved? Ephesians 2:8 admonishes that it is "BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED... NOT FROM YOURSELVES" (NIV), which is why no one can "boast" about his or her own "works" getting them into the Kingdom. P.K. asked us,"how we would you explain God's grace to someone else?" Grace to me can be defined as an undeserved forgiveness; honestly NO human today really deserves the sacrifice and gift that resulted from the death and resurrection of Christ. The favor that Yahweh blessed us with is not resulting from good works, instead, His grace and love provided the biggest sacrifice which resulted in our salvation - FORGIVENESS FOR ALL SIN (refer to 1 John 1:7). Now don't get me wrong, good works are important, just NOT to earn salvation. Our good works will come naturally once we've accepted God's favor in His grace; we will essentially be changed and transformed as we build our relationship with God. As we strengthen our relationship with the Lord, our nature and desires will gradually fall in line with His, so good works will NOT be a result of us trying to give God something to get something in return; Just as we show our earthly parents respect by obeying the rules of their home, as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds (refer to Romans 12:2), our good works will naturally become a staple in reverence to our Father in Heaven. Once we have truly accepted and received Yahweh's grace, He will begin to see our love expressed through our natural formed desire to produce acts that are pleasing to Him. Just remember that Yahweh's "faithfulness is NOT based on our performance" (Pastor Kelly); although our good works will be acknowledged on Judgement Day, it is ultimately our acceptance and acknowledgment that Christ died and rose again, which saves us from ALL sin.
Yahweh we thank you for life, health, and strength. Thank you for providing the courage and strength we need to remove the guilt we've placed on self, and for removing every negative thought that has held us captive in our own minds. Lord we thank you for a new year living, and ask that you will comfort those who may be in mourning over souls that you've called home. We praise you for the victory as we establish and stick to our solutions; focus our minds that we will deny everyone and everything that does not add to our vision or that breeches our relationship with you. We thank you for transforming our image into one that mirrors Jesus, so that His goodness is reflected in all that we do. Thanks for blessing each of us with a double portion of your Spirit, and for closing every unnecessary door that is open in our lives. Thanks for opening supernatural doors to peace, prosperity, clarity, contentment, and happiness. We thank you for providing each of us with the clear and concise revelations we need in order to overcome the adversary. Please continue to help us see, hear, and feel your presence through every trial and tribulation, and for discernment to know the difference between your will vs. our own desires. We take back everything the enemy has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. We grant your angels permission to do our bidding on earth, and thank you for protecting us from its recourse. For everyone and everything we have failed to pray for, we ask that you do not fail to address the concern. This is our affirmation of faith Yahweh, we submit our petition to you, and claim all these things in the name of Yeshua, Amen!
Very Respectfully,
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
Owner | CEO, T.Y.E. Childcare | Mobile Notary | FMBS Inc.
· Mobile: (951) 790-2127
· Address: Moreno Valley, CA
· Website: www.fmbs-inc-bytye.org | http://sodbytye.blogspot.com
· Email: tyeallen99@outlook.com
· Change begins within; work on becoming a better You
· "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
· Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/fmbsinc.sustenance
· Twitter: https://twitter.com/TyeDreamsBig
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