Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Out greatest rewards (1/27/2014)

Greetings Everyone,
All honor and glory be to God for providing us with another day of endless opportunities. Please remember to bear with me through my technological hiatus... I'll reiterate that it is not in my budget to replace any of my electronic devices at this time. Therefore, production gaps for the SOD will continue until I am able to invest in a more reliable system. I hope yall had a wonderful weekend. Please rest assured that God NEVER takes breaks, His prayer line is OPEN 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; the Lord is waiting patiently for YOU to call on Him... Now let's move forward with our healthy living... "there are many tasty eats that will boost your mood, up your love life, and help you burn fat without trying." Health Magazine featured the "Feel-Good Salmon Sandwich - Pan-seared salmon with walnut-and-spinach pesto on whole-grain roll with radicchio. Salmon is a great source of mood-boosting omega-3 DHA fatty acids, and spinach is packed with magnesium, which has a relaxing effect and helps lower blood pressure. Get your fill of walnuts—they are a natural source of melatonin, which can help you get a better night's sleep. The Benefit: makes you happy and calm all for just 420 calories and 35g of heart-healthy fats." The recipe can be found at http://www.health.com/health/recipe/0,,10000001966750,00.html (Largeman-Roth, F. (n.d.). Satisfying food cures. Health Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.health.com). Before we get into the lesson, please remember my friends Ki, and a husband and wife team that would like to remain anonymous, as well as myself and my organization when you pray this week; pray as the Spirit leads as these prayer request are unspoken, thanks in advance. "To IMPROVE is to CHANGE" ~Winston Churchill~  #Be encouraged! 

This past Sunday, Fostering Mind, Body, and Soul Incorporated (FMBS Inc.) successfully canvassed the streets of LA, passing out toiletry bags to homeless people. The recycled, durable, reusable bags included: a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, a bottled water, a pair of rubber sole socks, a wash cloth, a bar of soap, a stick of deodorant, one hand sanitizer, one tube of lotion, one lip balm, a pack of bath wipes, a pack of facial tissue, and some scriptures disguised on what appears to be a $20 bill. This is only one of our monthly ventures. Currently, we are conducting a PRE-SALE fundraiser of See's Candies in lieu of Valentine's Day, to raise funds to support our day-to-day operations such as the one previously mentioned. This is your OPPORTUNITY to be romantic if not any other day of the year; get with myself or one of my other team members to purchase some sweets for that special someone in your life, or as a nice gesture for someone who may not have anyone in their lives. FMBS Inc. members pride ourselves on servicing needy individuals in underprivileged communities throughout Southern California. We also provide needy families with meal boxes during the holidays; for Christmas, a gift is added per each child in the household. Throughout the year, we support deployed veterans and their families with care packages, and mentoring at-risk youth (covering topics such as higher education, safe sex, and career goals) is coming soon... These are only beginner steps for our organization. With YOUR help, we WILL prosper and advance our activeness within the community, eventually expanding to other coasts. Please be aware that our solicitation for monetary donations and/or contributions of time, hygiene items, and clothing items is a YEAR-ROUND campaign that YOU are encouraged to participate in whenever you can. We are a NON-profit 501(c)(3) federally exempt organization, which means that ALL donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. NO matter how big or small your contribution or donation is, YOU are helping someone in need. If you were on the receiving end and needed a helping hand, wouldn't you want someone to reach out to you? Accept this opportunity to HELP LIVES. Take a look at the attached form and make your Valentine's Day purchase, or simply make a donation and/or contribution; make all checks payable to FMBS Inc., provide one of our representatives with your cash donation/contribution, or use the PayPal link located on our website. We are successful because of YOUR continued support. Please join our cause!
For more information about our organization, visit our website at http://www.fmbs-inc-bytye.org and/or add our Facebook page Fostering Mindbodyandsoul and Twitter @FMBSInc. On behalf of my team of volunteers, I thank you in advance. ~Tylesha "Tye" Allen, CEO/Founder, FMBS Inc. Est. 2012~
TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul TODAY because tomorrow is NOT promised; by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.), YOU can start anew and become a better you. CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN... Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcomeDo NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "be the change that you want to see in the world." Have a blessed rest of the week.

Lord please clear our minds, and open our eyes and ears so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Passage - Psalm 37:4:
"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires."

***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***

"Jesus told us that "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for [Jesus'] sake shall find it" (Matthew 16:25). Our greatest rewards will come when we do not seek them. As we seek to "lose" our lives, we open ourselves up to be the instruments of God's purpose, to accomplish His will on earth. Living this way will bring us great rewards, and that is because we do not seek rewards. We do not seek to store up treasures in heaven and we do not do our righteous acts so that God will reward us--we simply do them because--and we require nothing in return. If our only reason to live the Christian life is to gain better reward then we have missed the point. Following Christ means sacrifice of our wants and giving up of personal desires so that God's greater good will prevail." (Chambers, R. (2014). Our greatest rewards. Retrieved from http://reflections.daybyday.org). 

Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We thank you for the strength we need to forgive those who have wronged us, the same way you continuously grant us forgiveness, and for placing upon those we have wronged the same desire, that we too may be forgiven by them. More so Father, we thank you for removing the guilt we once placed on self, and for removing every thought that has held us captive in our own minds. We thank you for interceding the prayers of Ki, Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous, Tye, her loved ones, and FMBS Inc.; they are in need of very specific attention that only you are aware of. We thank you for blessing them abundantly according to your will. We thank you for transforming our image into one that mirrors Jesus, so that His goodness is reflected in all that we do. Thanks for blessing us with a double portion of your Spirit, and for closing every unnecessary door that is open in our lives. Thanks for opening supernatural doors in our lives that lead to peace, prosperity, clarity, contentment, and happiness. We thank you for providing each of us with the clear and concise revelations we need in order to overcome the adversary. Thanks for helping us to see, hear, and feel your presence through every trial and tribulation, and for the courage to rearrange our priorities, placing you at the top of our list. We thank you for discernment to know the difference between good and bad, right from wrong, and your will vs. our own desires. Thanks for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our loved ones and associates. We take back everything the enemy has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. Lord we also grant your angels permission to do our bidding on Earth without recourse. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our petition to you and thank you in advance for working it all out. All these things we claim in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
Non-profit Website: http://fmbs-inc-bytye.org/
Your independent Herbalife distributor/health coach: Tye.HL24@gmail.com
Change begins within; work on becoming a better You

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