Monday, September 9, 2013

Depression vs. God (9/9/13)

Greetings Everyone,
All honor and glory be to God! I hope yall had a wonderful weekend. Mine was pretty chill, could've been better or worse. I'm just grateful I lived through it. Anyway, I was watching TBN the other day and Joel Osteen touched on some key elements regarding peace of mind. So, I jotted some pointers down and posted them to my Facebook status. I'm sure it was a blessing to some, but unfortunately my posts led family to believe that I frequent Facebook checking statuses and newsfeed. So instead of them informing me of the date of my uncle's funeral (today), they assumed I checked Facebook and simply decided that I would be a no-show. That was quite frustrating to me, because I don't frequent Facebook like that. It is a social network I use to post my ministry blogs or to reach out to people whose contact information I do not have on my cell. I browse every blue moon when I am bored. Any other time, when people need something from me, I get a text or a call. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Wooosah! Let me continue on with today's lesson... 

REMINDER: I'm still seeking volunteers to help build-up my non-profit organization; join my team of volunteers as we work to provide sustenance to those in need (please refer to for more information about the organization). If you or someone you know would like to join my team of volunteers, please contact me so that I may set-up an orientation to get you started with your volunteer membership. Our next meeting will be held on September 15th at 3:00 PM in Los Angeles (location will be disclosed upon your RSVP). Additionally, as a group we will be participating in the Brain Tumor Society’s 2nd annual 5k walk/run. FMBS Inc. will be walking/running in honor of my dear friend, Jennifer Robinson, a brain tumor survivor. I would love for you to participate in the walk with us. Contact me with regard to your interest in this event, or simply “register” to “join a team” under my name (Tylesha Allen) or my company’s name (FMBS Inc.) for Team Jenn. If you would rather submit a monetary donation, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Either way, just copy and paste one of these two URL addresses or into your Internet browser to read Jennifer’s story, to join Team Jenn, or to make a pledge that will help us reach our fund-raising goal; we would like to raise $1,000 for the cause. So far, we've only reached the $300 mark, so please remember tospread the word about this event. We thank you in advance for SHARING these links with others. Many people have suffered as a result of brain tumors and brain cancers; families and friends of those who fall victim to brain tumors and/or brain cancer are victims themselves. Our efforts will bring researchers that much closer to better treatment, a cure, and will ultimately help to better educate society.

As we continue to work together to spread God’s Gospel, let us also encourage one another to take steps that lead to a healthy overall mind, body, and soul; TRANSFORM your body, mind, and soul by feeding your body healthy nutrition, and being cautious of what things you allow your eyes, ears, and spirits to be exposed to (e.g. media, books, TV, music, etc.). Have you fed your spirit today? CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN, so START YOUR TRANSFORMATION TODAY, because tomorrow is NOT promised. Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcomeDo NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity. God Bless!

Lord please clear our minds, and open our eyes and ears so that we may see, hear, and receive your intended message from this fellowship. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Passage - John 8:31 (NLT):
"Jesus said to the people who believed in him, 'You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.'"
***Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible***
Thoughts for Today:
"Depression often distorts our feelings, especially feelings about ourselves. We tend to believe our negative feelings more than the positive truth of God's Word because what we are feeling seems so real. Do you identify with any of these thoughts?"

  • Depression says, "nobody cares." God says, "I listen to you cry for help. I am concerned about you." (Psalm 22:24Exodus 4:31)
  • Depression says, "I feel so alone." God says, "I am with you. I will never abandon you." (Psalm 9:10Hebrews 13:5)
  • Depression says, "I am so worthless. I don't deserve anything good in my life." God says, "I consider you most valuable. I am pleased to make you my own. You are precious in my sight. (Matthew 6:26Psalm 139:13-18)
  • Depression says: "No one understands.God says, "I knew you before I made you in your mother's womb. I know you by name. I walk with you. I know your ways." (Jeremiah 1:5Psalm 139:2)
  • Depression says: "There is no hope." God says, "I am your hope. I rescue you." (Psalm 39:79:9-1137:23-24)

"Consider this..." 

"God's promises are true. Meditate on them. Ask Him to help you know and accept the truth instead of allowing your feelings to control you. Trust in His Word and His truth will set you free."

***Reference: Living Free Every Day. (2013). Overcoming Depression: Depression Says... God Says... Retrieved from***

Going back to the points I jotted down from Joel Osteen's sermon, paraphrasing, he preached that, "peace is NOT the absence of trouble. Peace is NOT overcoming all your challenges. If you have an attitude that, 'as soon as all my debt is gone, as soon as all my conflict is gone, I'll have peace,' then there will always be something to upset you. Peace is knowing that God is right there with you in the midst of the trouble. Peace is not allowing your troubles to form on the inside. You can't control what others say, or what battles you fight. The ONLY thing you can control is your own attitude and reactions to trouble, challenges, and conflict. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond. As long as you're alive there will be something to deal with. Do NOT worry all the time, get upset every time something goes bad, or frustrated when you have unexpected obstaclesLife is always changing, you'll never get away from the tests, challenges, or adversity. Keep your peace because God has a divine purpose. Hold your peace and God will fight your battles. Put on the armor of God. Prepare ahead of time that NOTHING is going to frustrate you. Determine today 'NOTHING is going to move me.' Waves come and go, so tap into the deep waters. If things don't go your way or trouble comes to pass, be calm, cool, steady, and unflinching. If God is for you, who can be against you? Don't quit or give up; endure unflinchingly and God will provide a breakthrough."  

Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for life, health, and strength. We ask for forgiveness of everything that we have thought, said, or did, that was not pleasing in your sight. Give us the strength we need to forgive those who have wronged us, the same way you continuously grant forgiveness to us. Also, place upon those we may have wronged, the same desire, that we too may be forgiven by them. More importantly Father, whatever guilt we place on self, allow us to release so that we may forgive ourselves. We know that we sometimes allow our emotions and feelings to control us instead of relying on your promises and trusting in you. Help us focus on your truth Father, because we know that is the only way to true freedom. Help us to release all negativity stored within. Bless us with a double portion of your Spirit Father. Close every unnecessary door that is open in our lives, and open supernatural doors to peace, prosperity, clarity, contentment, and happiness. Provide each of us with clear and concise revelations that we need in order to overcome the adversary. Help us to see, hear, and feel your presence through every trial and tribulation. Help us to reevaluate our lifestyles, and to rearrange our priorities, placing you at the top of our list. Provide discernment to know the difference between good and bad, right from wrong, and your will vs. our own desires. We thank you for provision, guidance, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By the authority in our words, we reverse all the negativity spoken into existence within our individual lives and the lives of our loved ones and associates. We take back everything the enemy has stolen from us, and bind every evil and malicious plot, plan, and scheme devised against us, in the matchless name of Jesus. Lord we also grant your angels permission to do our bidding on Earth without recourse. Transform us into an image that mirrors Jesus, so that His goodness is reflected in all that we do. This is our affirmation of faith Father God; we submit our petition to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Tylesha "Tye" Allen
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
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