All honor and glory to God! It's Friday, and don't I wish every day was Friday... better yet, I wish every day was Saturday. Have a blessed weekend and please make responsible decisions. Oh, and sorry about re-sending the SOD yesterday, I had an OCD moment, I put 1/5/11 instead of 1/5/12
. Anyway, Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome. Do NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity, God Bless!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
James 3:9-12 says, "Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right! Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water? Does a fig tree produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs? No, and you can't draw fresh water from a salty spring." Lord help me! I've admitted to yall time and time again, "I am NO saint, but I strive to be better." As children of God, how can we honestly think it is ok to curse people, to speak vulgarly amongst friends and saintly in front of others, to gossip, and to show our wrath through words? I am GUILTY of all these things. I kid you not, I can be in a great mood and then the drama at work will having me cursing like a sailor, and you'd never know I produce the SOD. Or, I will send out the SOD and I have a personal issue be it financial, relationship trouble, or some other issue, and I renege on the very thing I just learned with yall. We all fall short, but we have to keep encouraging one another, keep studying to show ourselves approved before God, and we have to allow God the vengeance (refer to II Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 10:30, and Romans 12:19). More importantly, we need to remain faithful and faith-full to God's will. We cannot walk on both sides of the fence, so we need to do better to allow God to tame our tongue; when you get the urge to curse or gossip, just take a moment to breathe, collect your thoughts, and then take an alternate path. Perhaps you need to take that moment to count your blessings and praise God for His grace and mercy, perhaps you can use that moment to pray, or perhaps that moment is your opportunity to pick up your Bible and read a verse or two. The tongue (how we speak), is simply a picture of our human nature. We were made in the image of God, but have fallen short as a result of our sins; today we speak life, and perhaps in the same day we speak destruction. However, God works to change us from the INSIDE out, so our objective is to allow the Holy Spirit to purify our heart so that our tongue may also be tamed, and we may learn the art of self-control so that everything that with think, do, or say, may pleasing in the sight of God.
Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for your everlasting love and grace. We thank you for filling us with your Spirit, that our tongue may be tamed, and we may be changed by the renewing of our mind. Lord we thank you for being our refuge when we have no where else to take cover, for being our ear when no one else wants to hear, and for being the shoulder we need to cry on. Lord we thank you for your wrath; we know that those who have wronged us will reap what they have sewn. We thank you for allowing us to be strong enough to endure the drama in our professional and personal lives, knowing that the victory is already won, and vengeance is yours. Lord we thank you for the discernment to know when we need to take a moment to readjust our way of speaking and/or our reactions, and for the ability to turn away from vulgarity, gossip, and anything else that is not pleasing in your sight. We thank you for your continued protection and safe travels. We submit our affirmation of faith to you, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
~~ Tylesha ~~
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
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