So again, I am super tired and barely able to stay awake. My body certainly would rather be resting, but hoorah for tryna be more dedicated this year, at putting out the SOD consistently; I want my only excuse for missing a SOD to be because I was on vacation, or had technical difficulties. FYI, if I haven't said this before, I typically put out the SOD Mon-Fri during the work week, if there is a holiday or leave days, I do not always produce the Scripture of the Day. Reminder: GOD NEVER GOES ON VACATION and the BIBLE and PRAYER are AVAILABLE to YOU 24/7. Before I forget... ***Praise Report: Mrs. Carol Shelby is doing much better. She had suffered a serious bout of food poising and had to be hospitalized for 4 days. She is set to be released tomorrow.*** Continue to keep one another in prayer, thanking God for the victory, and refraining from claiming defeat from the enemy; ALWAYS pray for your desired result, NOT the unfavorable outcome. Do NOT lose sight of God in the midst of adversity, God Bless!
Passage James 3:5-8 (NLT):
"In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
To piggy back on our topic from yesterday, our words in relations to hypocrisy, let's looks at Psalm 28:3: "Do not drag me away with the wicked — with those who do evil — those who speak friendly words to their neighbors while planning evil in their hearts." There are a LOT of deceivers, manipulators, and people who put on a good facade. Honestly, some folks deserve the Oscar they gave Cuba Gooding Jr. for his role in Jerry Maguire... seriously?
Yeah some folk are that good. Prime example is, some of my co-workers smile in your face, two seconds later they speak to you as if they are your parents, and in a blink of the eye, you're under scrutiny for their embellished reports as a result of you speaking up for yourself, proposing a more efficient way of operating that they don't agree with, or for being other than the prominent race in the department, sad to say it but it's true. We as Children of God shouldn't pretend to be who we are not. I recall my first experience at a Seventh-Day Adventist Church. My mom had warned that this particular church showed ill reservations toward people who wore jewelry and make-up, so she suggested I remove my jewels and wear clothing that covered my tattoos. At first I was going to, but I had to remind myself that I don't wear jewelry in a sense that I have become attached to it, in other words, I had NOT allowed my jewels to become bigger than God, so I kept them on. I also wore a dress that was sleeveless, and people could see the only two tattoos that I bore at that time. It was not very comforting to feel the stares and the coldness from those individuals who frowned upon jewelry, tattoos, make-up, and sleeveless attire in church, but it was who I was, and I was there to serve the Lord. The same should be true in our daily walk. And like I told yall the other day, "I'M NO SAINT, BUT I STRIVE TO BE BETTER." I am probably most guilty of sending out these positive messages, then being hit with the drama that employs me, and losing all sight of "the power of the tongue," and even hypocrisy for that matter. I'm pretty sure in those moments, it's like watching an explicit movie on BET where all my vulgar words should be bleeped out; if you've seen Menace II Society, The Five Heartbeats, or any other movie with curse words on BET, then you know that 99.9% of the words are edited out. But that is why I share with yall my flaws, because I do NOT want yall to think I am someone I am not. I have flaws and allz any of us can do is to continue to pray that I will be strong enough to resist temptation. TRUE Christians are individuals who work to be more like Christ daily, with that said, we should be straightforward and sincere in everything we do; do NOT allow lies to depart you lips, do NOT allow yourself to be described as a "sailor" if you get my drift, and do NOT give anyone reason to question your commitment to the Lord. If you ever hafta think twice about what you are about to say or do, do NOT allow yourself to react before first asking yourself this, "what would Jesus do?" We all fall down, but the key is to get back up. Each new day is a new opportunity to get right by God and to ABIDE by His will.
Prayer of the Day:
Father God we thank you for your breath of life, your protection, and your peace. Lord we thank you now for the complete and speedy recovery of Carol, and we thank you for providing her with relief from any pain or discomfort in the meantime. We thank you for increasing Tylesha's strength, that she may persevere amidst drama, and that she rises above hypocrisy. We are aware that our current status may not be our ultimate desire, but we have peace knowing that someday, according to your will and time, we will be blessed with the desires of our heart. We thank you now for victory and defeat over the enemy. We thank you for the peace that passeth all understanding. We thank you for relief and comfort from our past sorrows and pain. We thank you for blessing us abundantly in our health, within our homes, in our finances, in our spirit, in our heart, and in our mind. We thank you for taming our tongue, so that what departs from our mouth is fruitful and produces good of its kind. We thank you for your promise, for our discernment, and for our revelations. We thank you for restoring all the years we've spent in tears, by allowing us to reverse our undesired outcomes to produce our desired results, by the very own words of our mouth. We thank you for the enhanced desire to refrain from putting on acts that are deceiving, but instead, acting the way Jesus would react according to scripture. We present this affirmation of faith in the name of Jesus, Amen!
~~ Tylesha ~~
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:8)
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